Sunday, April 10, 2011

Round and round.

The vortex of depression is sucking at my toes from a dangerously close position. It stops now. Here are a few ideas that crossed my mind:

1. Avoid washing my feet:
Haha, suck on THIS, vortex. Nah. It'll prolly stink up my bed and reinforce it.

2. Rewatch How I Met Your Mother (from season 1):
Whoa, this is a dangerous slope. The battle might have already been lost. BIG NO-NO.

3. Write a song:
Ok. Come here, my trusty 4 chords.

4. Abuse caffiene:
Desperate times calls for Nescafe Blend 34.

5. Seriously blitz through ALL of my assignments:
Must do after number 4.

6. Do a Wong Sam Seng video:
My laptop is still under repair, but it shall be done.

7. Write a song every week and upload it to Gusgoria:
Even my bolster will get its 5 minutes of fame.

8. Record my dreams and upload it to Gusgoria:
I was best friends with Ironman and we had pissed off the U.S government, aliens, and angry spirits who fling wooden splinters at us.

9. Give my life to Jesus Christ:

Ok, let's not go wild here.

If all else fails,

I will have trace levels of blood in my coffee stream.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

You can has cheezburger.

Apologies for the hiatus, my first week of uni and wonderfully vengeful ear infection have been keeping me busy. The following pieces of work can be said to be considered "socially frowned upon". They are safe for work, but be warned:

What has been seen can never be unseen.


The Japanese are the hands-down-grand-slam-hambalah-masters of all things tentacle or otherwise disturbing.

I'm given to understand that this is a commercial for a snack.

It's ok to assume the fetal position and cry.

We've all experienced some degree of bromance. Remember that dream you had about your best friend after a night of heavy drinking and video games?

No? Maybe this will refresh your memory.

Ever heard of a joke that's only hilarious because of how embarrassing it is to listen to or tell? Not one that's so lame it's funny. It's saying a nonsensical phrase. Like "please let Rongmomo go".

Argh. Just watch this.

Why?! Who?! How?! Apparantly, the title of the song translates to "I am very happy that I am returning home soon". I still say it's the Russians' secret Ultimate Doomsday weapon. Something that will destroy Earth as a final screw-you to the USA.

Yes, I know it's old for an internet meme. If you want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes at Newgrounds, click the next link.

Trololo saves the day

I was right. O_O

I have reason to believe the Trololo man procreated.

Finally, a timeless classic:

Have fun trying to fall asleep. =)

Over and out.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Citizens of the Universe

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! This post is dedicated to those of us who occasionally take time off from reality. Whether it be outer space, or the medieval themed world of RPGs.

Remember that time when you were 7 or 8, and you had that weird dream where you sat on your magical dinosaur best friend, and you explored outer space together? And you came across planets made entirely out of candy? And had four seasons within the same area? And somehow you were constantly searching for a toilet? And you wake up to the warm sensation of soaked pajamas?

Yeah, me neither.

Which is precisely why this game was created. (Dinosaurs not included.)

If you have ever played Final Fantasy and loved it (If you played it and hated it, you need Jesus. If you never played it, you need better parents), then you will love this.

A wacky-haired guy.
A suggestively-dressed girl.
A cute sidekick pet with wings.
And gratuitous amounts of oversized swords and apocalyptic spells.

What more can you ask for?

Ever lay down on the balcony or a field at night, gaze out at the stars, and wonder if they are just pinholes in the curtain of night?

Ok, I stole that line from an episode of Retarded Animal Babies. Anyway.

The following is guaranteed to make science exciting and fun for even the most A.D.D afflicted of us. I would know.

From the familiar.

To the unbelievably small.

To the mind-blowingly colossal.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present:

I always save the best for last. So, if you've made it this far, congratulations and thank you!

And if you haven't (probably because you had to rush off to the premiere of Twilight or a Justin Bieber concert), then may your inbox be filled with e-mails offering discounts on Acai Berries, and from Nigerian millionaire investors offering you generous commissions. =)

This is Gustave, over and out.

Friday, July 23, 2010

So it begins.

Gusgoria is operational.

X to the O: Episode 1

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Today, I present to you a flash movie and two games from the website that has warpe...shaped me into the person I am today.

The post-apocalypse theme has become wallpaper in the minds of many Generation-Y. Borderlands. Fallout 3. No offices. No clean water. No Gucci or Calvin Klien. But a whole lot of guns and angry things with nasty teeth and nastier breath.

Here are the mascots of

There are more episodes listed here. Yes. They are in order.

Now to slow things down a bit with some dreamy arty game. The controls are simple, and it's more story than game. Enjoy.

Finally, and only if you have a few hours to kill, depending on your attention span and tenacity, recreate the world! Doodle God style, one element at a time.

And yes, vampires and zombies included.

Doodle God

Thank you. This is Gustave, over and out.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

To the N's in the H.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Gustave here.

Those who know we long enough will be familiar with my habit of insisting that you watch certain videos to enrich your inner world.

One day, after a long crazy night of scrambling around the internet, it came to me.

I will bring OMG's, WTF's, BBQ's, cheezburgers, LOL's, LMAO's, ROFLOL's, and, dare I say it, yes I do, even ROFLCOPTER's, to wherever the cybernetic tentacles of the internet reaches.

And here. we. go.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

X to the O

to the niggers in the hood.